We finally bought a couple of small thermometers to measure what is really going on in the caves. We knew it felt pretty cool in there but wanted to know really how much difference we were getting. When I got home today it was 102 in the shade near the rabbitry. We have one unfinished cave which is not completely burried and didn't have anything in it so that was kind of a control check and it was about 90. Maybe if it was burried it would be a few degrees cooler...
Then we checked a cave we are using and was disappointed to see the kids had only put a small jar of ice in there today instead of a 2 liter. The 2 liters will generally still be more than half frozen when I get home. But the small jars are usually melted by then - as was this one. Sundae had also bitten a hole in it and all the water had drained out of it. But even with all of that it was 82 degrees in there. So YAY!
In the next few days we are supposed to get up to 109. But I think with 2 liters of ice the buns will be ok. I will check cave temps the next few days with 2 liters of ice and see what we get.
Then we checked a cave we are using and was disappointed to see the kids had only put a small jar of ice in there today instead of a 2 liter. The 2 liters will generally still be more than half frozen when I get home. But the small jars are usually melted by then - as was this one. Sundae had also bitten a hole in it and all the water had drained out of it. But even with all of that it was 82 degrees in there. So YAY!
In the next few days we are supposed to get up to 109. But I think with 2 liters of ice the buns will be ok. I will check cave temps the next few days with 2 liters of ice and see what we get.