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Well-known member
May 15, 2013
Reaction score
Rockford, IL
I'm 98% sure it's catmint not catnip.

We just had to pull 4 HUGE bushes out of my designated pea and lettuce bed. Can I throw it to my bunns, or leave it strictly to my flock? The chickens gobble it up in nothing flat.
Well, you went and made me do a search to find out if I had catnip like I thought- I was excited by the prospect of feeding it to the chickens if it wasn't.

I don't know if catmint is edible for rabbits, but it is closely related to catnip so I imagine it likely is but if no-one has a definitive answer, try it out on a "test bunny" that you wont mind losing. Catnip should not be fed to pregnant or nursing does.

I do have catnip, and the only time I have gotten a rabbit to eat it was when I had one with the beginning stages of mastitis, and she ate it for medicinal purposes (it inhibits lactation).

Here are the images I looked at:

Catmint image: ... Q&dur=3099

Catnip images: ... DA&dur=154
Catmint (Nepeta mussinii) and catnip (Nepeta cataria) are quite closely related. I doubt that catmint would harm rabbits, but as MSD points out it is not a good choice for pregnant or nursing does. Personally, I'd give it to the chickens.