Can't get doe to breed.

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Mar 6, 2015
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I have another question from a newbie. I recently purchased a trio of broken red new zealands. Whenever I purchased them I also purchased their babies that were weaning age approximately six weeks old. So I know they are proven breeders and are capable of raising kits. I have been trying to breed both does for about the last two weeks with no success. The does just do not act interested in breeding, they will not lift for the buck, and just lay flat against the wire. I know the buck is good, cause I have used him to service a californian doe for meat rabbits.

Any suggestions to get these does to breed? I have watched their vent area, and while they are not bright red they are not pale either.
I am new as well and had some strange (at least strange to me) things. I have read that apple cider vinegar and switching cages for the night are worth a try, as well as a car ride. I have personally put ACV in mines water, if for nothing else the added health benefit. But I think she at least thinks shes bred, and he seems to as well so they have not even tried since I gave it to them. I cant really tell if its been unsuccessful or shes going thru pseudopregnancy or is actually pregnant. Just my little bit of experience and some things to try-good luck!
Yes I know they aren't pregnant because I have had them for over a month and a half.
"Just keep trying, every few days" is my best advice.

Try placing them in new environments, swapping cages, taking them for a car ride. Whatever you can think of.

Eventually, something will get those girls in the mood. ;)
Try bringing the Doe to the Buck for breeding,
for up to four days in a Row.
Watch the proceedings, do not turn away
or blink your eyes or you may miss it,
it can happen that quickly.
Within that time frame she will get bred.
Unless their is some other unknown problem
which is preventing the Buck from achieving
his goal.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
Do you have a floor time pen or somewhere they could just run around loose together in neutral territory? Let them get to know each other and play? Unless they're fighting of course. It's just a thought. If there's nothing else going on, if it's just stress related for instance, letting them have fun and spend some time together would certainly do the trick.

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