Canning rabbit?

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2009
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Does anyone can rabbit meat? I've canned meat before, so I'm ok with that part of it. Wondering whether you can with just water, or put other things in it, and whether you can it raw or cook it first. I'm hoping that this will enable me to store more rabbit meat than I could fit into my (tiny) freezer.
I have never canned rabbit before (never thought of it), but I did a quick google search and here is a link to a website I found.
You could probably find a lot more. I just typed in Canning Rabbit.
Thanks for bringing this up. I think I'll try the canning thing with my next rabbits.
Thanks and hope this helps!
I have canned raw boneless skinless chicken breast and I find that it has a metallic twang that I do not care for ... even commercially canned chicken has that twang, so I won't eat that either :D

However, I have canned cooked rabbit in broth ... basically the soup starter for my Bunny Noodle Soup ... and not found it to have that twang.

I also add canning salt 1/4Tsp/pint or 1/2Tsp/quart and other seasonings are added when opened for use.
Thank you, AnnClaire. I know what you mean about that "twang" (I've canned raw chicken breast before, also), but it doesn't bother me. Have you tried canning cooked chicken?

I will try canning rabbit both ways and see which works better for us.

I need to have all my plans in place (growout, butchering, meat processing) in place (preferrably without additional cages until we move to our own place) before hubby will give me the go-ahead to start breeding again.
I love canned meat, makes a very quick dinner on those busy nights! I agree that using a broth instead of just water and salt would make a better flavor. Even something as simple as adding a vegetable boullion type broth would do the trick.
Wondering about resting the meat. I know you are suppose to rest the meat in the fridge a few days before you cook or freeze it. Does that apply when canning?
eh... we don't age the meat before canning. 90 minutes in the pressure canner does the trick no matter what. We raw pack, with no added liquid, and no seasoning. We add those when we open and feel that gives more flexibility with using the meat. YMMV... :pancake:
xlt, I've never canned any meat- do you pack the jar with chunks of meat trying to minimize air pockets, or just put it in loosely? How much head space do you leave?
Iv canned a ton of rabbit.
we bake ours first(just add salt and peper now) just til it is about 80 % cooked, then pack it in jars can do with or with out bones( can get more in jars if you de-bone it) and a 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup of water( can use broth if you have it) then put it in the presure cooker.
we have also place a cup of rice in the jar then pack meat till the jar is a lil less than 3/4 full then add water till the water line is 1/2 way up the jar, then pressure cook or water bath it.
also can add vegies and rabbit meat in a jar makes for a supper fast soup in the winter.

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