Can you increase the protein content of feed?

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Jul 15, 2013
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Just curious. I found a homesteading store nearby that sells organic rabbit pellets, and I'd love to switch the herd over, but it's only 16%. It would be perfect for my meat mommas, they're a bit on the chunky side as it is, but I need 18% for the Angoras. I can readily get 25 pounds of organic flax seed for thirty dollars, as well as sunflower seeds, though those are a bit more. I'm basically looking for something I can get organically, since only two of my herd are safe from freezer camp, and you are what you eat!

Anybody know a good protein boost for the pellets without using Calf Manna or something to that effect? And how could I figure out the protein percentage to adjust it to 18? (Lets face it, math wasn't my strong point in school!)

Thanks in advance!
Protein is the most difficult and expensive part of feed. Soy is the most common source but some don't like feeding soy. Hulled sunflowers so it's just the meat are around 30% protein.

To calculate protein weigh a given amount of each feed, multiply by the percentage(16% would be .16), add together, and then divide again by the final weight. If you want to simplify it use the same weight of everything and then you can just add the percentages and divide by the number of percentages you added to get the average. That only works if you use the same weight of every ingredient you are calculating.

ie. 5 lbs of sunflower meat and 5 lbs of pellets would be either (5 * .16) + (5 * .3) all divided by 10 or (.16+.3)/2. equals .23 or 23%. Of course you wouldn't actually use 50% sunflower meats but that shows both ways of calculating.
So looking into Flaxseed since it's the cheaper of the two options ($30 for 25 pounds organic where hulled sunflower is $63 for 25 pounds...), flax is also 30% protein, so by the calculation you gave me it would take six parts of 16% feed to one part of flax seed to achieve 18% protein. That's doable. Hubby is concerned about the feed costs, specially since I would have to drive 45 minutes to get it, but since I pay for it and I'm not happy with Manna Pro right now, it might just be worth it.
PSF - those prices seem kind of high for our area. You might want to give Pueblo Feed, 1811 Santa Fe Dr, Pueblo, CO 81006 (719) 542-6787 a call. They are a division of Sweeney Feed Mill, (719) 544-1041, here in town.

edit: p.s. they make rabbit feed (16%) to that I've had pretty good luck with for the past 6 years.
Thanks, I'll have to check that out too. Also going to go to my local feed store and see what I can't get, I know they've gotten organic chicken in for me before, though when you feeding barred rocks it can turn into a small fortune. FAST. :)
They sell seed @ $.75 a pound bulk for those that want to make their own bird seed. Much cheaper by the 50# bag. A lot of horse people use the flax and BOS for coat conditioning and to get a little meat on the ribs.
The problem with BOSS is that whole seed which you can get the cheapest is rather low in protein due to the high fiber shell. It's only the sunflower meat that will raise protein and they often don't sell that in large bags or it's rather expensive because of the effort put in.
Would you be terribly shocked to hear that I have never fed over 16% to any of my Woolies?
It's probably just the lines I deal with, but I've seen what happens to these lines on less than 18%. They basically starve to death While eating everything they can get their mouths on. Less than 18 is not an option for these guys.

@ Homer: unfortunately, Akane is right. bOSS is only 16% protein in the hull. I know it's not cost efficient to even try to feed the Rabbits organically, but if cost efficiency was my goal, I wouldn't have picked Angoras. They're just too much work to ever turn a real profit. I just like the idea of feeding them organically because I eat them, and that was the only feed I've seen without soy and corn in it. I would love it if I could to to organic alfalfa bales and just supplement with extras to cover the difference, it would be more economical, but I have no room to store the alfalfa through the year, so it's not an option for organic feed.
All their seed is the same price PSF. They had 8 different bins of it last week when I was in there. I know what you're saying about the 16% thing with BOSS, I just give it and Flax for a treat and the oils to improve their coats.

They all love it except one and she wants a :beer2: to wash it down. :)
Perhaps you could source a supplier of sunflower meal - a guy on kijiji is selling 1000lbs totes for $150 :)

You can keep it in the freezer (it will go rancid if out too long) and top dress as needed.

It's around 30% protein and only about 10% oil so they can eat more without feeling full or getting obese.

Cold pressed is better since the protein is not de-natured by any heat
@ Homer: Ah! Okay. Didn't know that all their seed was the same price. That may be an option, though it's not organic. Will have to check into it.

@ Dood: that's a great idea too, but on a 1/10th of an acre with a house that's just over 700 square feet, storing large items like the totes your talking about is nearly impossible! I will definately keep that in mind for when we get a piece of property though.