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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
...Eat Pumpkin leaves, vines & fruit? Cucumber leaves, vines & fruit?
We'll be growing, hopefully, a ton of these next year, so either the pigs will get these or the rabbits if they can.
I've fed young squash leaves and vines to the buns... and I am sure cucumber leaves and vines are also safe... but what they can eat and what they will eat are two different things. Mine seemed to object to the fuzzy texture of squash leaves and would only nibble them/
The pigs are my back up, so if the rabbits end up too picky and thinking they are too good for them, the pigs will be sure to hog em all up. =D
Glad they can eat them!
We are making pumpkin pies tomorrow from our mix of Halloween pumpkins tomorrow. Been washing, drying and saving some of the seeds to plant, rest are for me to eat. I love raw pumpkin seeds! The 'hair' or strings I've been giving to the LGD pup and the birds seem to be stealing some of it. Hoping to grow soooo much of cukes and pumps that I can store and ration them out to the horses, pigs and rabbits over winter.
[I read back in the day, farmers used to feed pumpkins to horses.]

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