Can someone help me with what is happening to my rabbits?

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2011
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Alright, a little history on what happened... I went to feed the bunnies a little bit back and noticed Obsession(Obie) kind of 'off', so I pulled him out, and his eye was really weird... One eye was normal, the other constricted, a blue grey color(Both of their eyes are normally brown), almost marbleized, and a small white thing in the center... He does seem to have some issue with seeing out of it.. but otherwise acted normal. We assumed he had a stroke or something. No big deal, he was just going to be pet out...

But last night, I went to go feed to find this has happened to another one of my rabbits... EXACT same thing. So, Obie is still here, and now Phantom has this eye thing going on.. I need to know what this is! Some people say to look into ear infections... I just don't know. But I can't let this get any worse! If there is any way to save these two, I would love to. Obie is a sweetheart, and the other person still would love to have him, and I adore Phantom...

So, anyway... here are pictures from today of their eyes(sorry - they are cell phone pics)... Please anyone, any insight you can give on what is happening to them would be SOOOOO greatly appreciated!

Forgot to add... Both rabbits act perfectly healthy, they are eating, drinking, pooping, peeing, everything... Sweet and friendly bunnies as usual... except their eye.

Obies Eye:

Phantoms 'Normal' Eye:

Phantoms Other Eye:

I'm inclined to think that Dood is right about it being e. cuniculi, but there are other conditions that can cause similar problems.

Here is a google search for moon eye (cloudy cornea) in rabbits: ... 7&dpr=1.33

I hope you are able to sort this out. I once had an older doe with what I thought was a cataract. It may have been, but in those days I did not know about the other possibilities. She continued in good health and was our best doe for a long time after that. I still do not know for sure what caused it, but no other rabbit contracted the problem from her.