Can Netherland Dwarfs be shown booted?

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What a cutie. :)

Broken colored Netherland Dwarfs are shown in the AOV (Any Other Variety) Group. The Netherland Dwarf SOP disqualifies any broken colored rabbit that is "so heavy in pattern as to resemble a booted Broken." That is a discretionary call on the part of the judge.

The description given for "booted broken" in the general SOP Glossary indicates that it is a rabbit with color everywhere except white appearing "below the elbow on the front feet and/or below the ankle on the rear feet."

Technically, your rabbit has more white than that, but IMO it could go either way, since the N.D. standard says it can't "resemble a booted." Some judges will send it off the table, and others might give it the benefit of the doubt, especially depending on how they see the numerous white hairs across its shoulder and flank (some judges consider anything more than three hairs grouped together as a spot). If they let it go as a heavily-marked broken, you'll probably get pinged for excessive scattered white hairs. Anyway, if it was me I'd show it and see what the judges say, realizing that even though color is only 15 points out of 100, unless the rabbit is a real standout in terms of type it probably won't take the top placing.
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What a cutie. :)

Broken colored Netherland Dwarfs are shown in the AOV (Any Other Variety) Group. The Netherland Dwarf SOP disqualifies any broken colored rabbit that is "so heavy in pattern as to resemble a booted Broken." That is a discretionary call on the part of the judge.

The description given for "booted broken" in the general SOP Glossary indicates that it is a rabbit with color everywhere except white appearing "below the elbow on the front feet and/or below the ankle on the rear feet."

Technically, your rabbit has more white than that, but IMO it could go either way, since the N.D. standard says it can't "resemble a booted." Some judges will send it off the table, and others might give it the benefit of the doubt, especially depending on how they see the numerous white hairs across its shoulder and flank (some judges consider anything more than three hairs grouped together as a spot). If they let it go as a heavily-marked broken, you'll probably get pinged for excessive scattered white hairs. Anyway, if it was me I'd show it and see what the judges say, realizing that even though color is only 15 points out of 100, unless the rabbit is a real standout in terms of type it probably won't take the top placing.
Thank you!