can anyone tell me

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Mar 8, 2011
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why my doe didnt pull any hair or nest when she had her babies???? they all crawed out the holes in the cage and 2 died i put the other 2 in the cage in a nest and she never fed them and they died? it was her first time. when she has her next litter will she pull hair?
probably, first timers often get surprised like that.

My longest running doe here has never lost a kit, but her first litter she did have two outside the box. Fortunately it was the beginning of October in El Paso, so it was still 80 degrees out in the afternoon :).
Often with first time mommas their instincts don't kick in in time. This tends to happen especially if they are still very young themselves. She will likely do better next time, but there are no guarantees. Not all does make good mothers.
JT, many of the intense meat breeders will breed back right away after she kindles. Many breed back 30 days later, so you get 6 litters a year. (30 day gestation, 30 days to feed the kits)

Like every other mammal, the doe is born with a certain number of eggs in her. She will ovulate after being bred, so unlike most mammals, she won't shed eggs once a month.

A doe who is bred back continuously will have a shorter fertile life (in general) than a similar doe who is bred back less frequently. The rabbit CAN live 8 years or so...although I keep hearing that 5 years is a good long life as a "mom".

bucks, like other male animals, can go on until they die. It's quite possible, however, for one to go sterile later in life due to all kinds of problems...again, rather like other animals.
Thanks Anntann...I prefer the longer route, I am not into being intense...just not who I am...the man I bought the rabbits from said that his rabbits tended to have smaller litters, but good stock...I liked that. If I can get maybe 12 rabbits for the freezer a year for now, I will be very happy...this is a learning experience for me to know better how to support myself, as well as a connection to nature in a way I have not done before. I am used to hunting for food, and being a conservationist, but have never raised food. So doing so in a conservative mode is my route to take.
Two does, bred four times a year and raising six kits each time (which is a relaxed production rate) will give you forty-eight fryers a year, each of which will dress out at about 2-2.5 pounds. That is a minimum of 100 pounds of table-ready meat a year.

Many people find it is a good idea to keep the does on some kind of schedule rather than breeding them sporadically. It helps to keep them from getting too fat and may also head off a disinclination to breed when put with the buck.
Maggie...that is perfect...thanks..I have had my stock just since last Sunday, I had figured to let them settle in for a few days before breeding...would this weekend be too soon? They all seem to be doing fine...eating and drinking...plenty of droppings etc...I have been able to handle each briefly last night...inside of their cages...your thoughts..?
If they seem relaxed and are doing well, I think a week is fine for a settling in period. Be sure to take the doe to the buck's cage. Some does are very territorial and will view a buck as an unwelcome intruder if you put him in her cage. An angry doe can really harm a buck.

You should observe during their "date". If the doe is receptive she will (eventually) allow the buck to mount her and will lift her hindquarters to allow him access. He will usually fall off to the back or side if he is successful. Quite comical. Let him do this two or three times and then return the doe to her own cage. Mark the calendar! On Day 28, give her a nest box so she can prepare. Usually she will kindle between Day 30 and Day 32.

If you breed both does the same day (one in morning and one in evening) they will kindle at more or less the same time. This offers an opportunity for fostering kits if it is necessary. It seldom is needed but is a good practice. Suppose one doe kindles only 2-3 and the other has 12... You can even up the litters.
Great info!

JT, I can't believe we are really at the same stage in this adventure. :lol: Everything I read from you, is so in line with what is going on here. Everyone is settled in finally, and we are just starting to explore our first breedings also. Good luck to you!

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