Cali x NZW kits look like what?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2011
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If you cross Californian with New Zealand white, what will the kits look like? I read somewhere they will either be a mix of pointed & not.
But what about kits who start out pure white, at 4wks they start to develop very faint gray at the base of tails and tip of nose? At 8wks, they have very light regular Cali marks. Is that proof they are mixed or?
Because my pure Cali kits always had points back in the nest, so them developing points later on is strange and wondering if the mix is what caused it?
Our CalxNZW kits all looked white with red eyes. I noticed a bit of smudge on their tails when young. As they matured they ended up looking like Californians.
Mine either start with very faint points or no points at all and then most all of them develop light points as they grow...they won't be nearly as dark as a purebred Cal..kind of washed out.
My first litter was a Cali/NZW cross. When they were real young they did not have any black, but that came in latter. I never noticed the black being lighter than my purebred Calis though (probably just never paid attention). I did have one in that litter though that never developed any back. It looked just like a NZW. I'm not sure if that is strange, but that is what I got. :)