cage wire question

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Apr 4, 2011
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beech island sc.
hi i was wanting to know if you could make the whole cage out of the floor wire 1/2x1 in in size also what size sould i make a cage for a mid size rabbit say 8- 12 pounds they reason i ask if you could make the whole cage out of 1/2x1 in wire is i know a older lady i do yard work for and her husband used to raise rabbits before he passed a way long story short i can get a real good deal on a 100 foot roll of 14 gauge 1/2x1 in h is 30 inches
I would not build a rabbit cage out of all 1/2" X 1" wire.
It might be a good idea to build a Carrying cage out of 1/2" X 1".

I would use the 1/2" X 1" for the floor and build my cages
36" long by 24" deep by 18" high for Does.
Buck cages are 24" by 30" by 18" Cage wire is either 1" X 1"
or 1" X 2" wire. The extra floor wire will come in handy
when you need to replace cage floors. Trust me, you will eventually need to.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
using all floor wire for a single cage is more expensive, but also more secure in the long run. Measure and cut carefully-that 1/2x1 wire is expensive, so don't waste any of it! Make sure your cage design will 'work' for you before committing the wire to it!
One advantage to going all 1/2X1 is that you can put any size rabbit into it down to the smallest popples.
uh... unless you need the whole roll and can use it, I would cut what I needed/wanted out of it and sell the rest... and use the money to buy the 1x2 wire... probably more than enough to do so with some cash left. JMO