Okay... had a fellow email me today asking if I had large rabbits he could use for hunting.
I emailed him back saying I have young stock he can purchase from 2-5 lbs, $20 each. (I really would rather they not be hunted).
He sent me a counter offer of $2.50/lb. Hoping that I have some 3 lb rabbits I'll sell him.
I'm hesitating.
Hubby's not keen on the idea either.
He asks.... are hunters accurate when they shoot? We don't want pain/agony inflected on these kits. A clean kill I'm cool with, but pain, lack of accuracy... not cool with. PLUS these kits (four young boys) are friendly little beasts .. except for one who is standoffish but just a nice bun. So not even sure they would bolt and be good for hunting.
So I'm too full of questions to be gung ho about this... so talk to me please. Pros cons etc.
My general rule of thumb is .. if it leaves here live it goes sold for an "alive" price... usual minimum is $20.
I emailed him back saying I have young stock he can purchase from 2-5 lbs, $20 each. (I really would rather they not be hunted).
He sent me a counter offer of $2.50/lb. Hoping that I have some 3 lb rabbits I'll sell him.
I'm hesitating.
Hubby's not keen on the idea either.
He asks.... are hunters accurate when they shoot? We don't want pain/agony inflected on these kits. A clean kill I'm cool with, but pain, lack of accuracy... not cool with. PLUS these kits (four young boys) are friendly little beasts .. except for one who is standoffish but just a nice bun. So not even sure they would bolt and be good for hunting.
So I'm too full of questions to be gung ho about this... so talk to me please. Pros cons etc.
My general rule of thumb is .. if it leaves here live it goes sold for an "alive" price... usual minimum is $20.