Bunny Tractor

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2013
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I'm wanting to build and use tractor system for raising my young to butching size. Unsure what size and how many bunnies to put in one. Need to make it small enough to move around easy. If anyone has a site for plans let me know. I not sure what to use on the bottom wire or slats? Small enough to keep them in but large enough to let the grass thourgh???? :bunnyhop:
I would probably use 1"x2" wire on the floor and probably sides too, that way you can put smaller rabbits in it. You can add a couple wheels on one end to make it easier to move.
Thanks. :D was planning to put wheels on it still working on over all length like to put 5 or so bunnies in it.
There are two major concerns with tractors... keeping the rabbits in and keeping the predators out. Raccoons will reach right through 1 x 2 wire, grab a rabbit and eat what they can reach right through the wire. They are relentless predators. Dogs and coyotes can be a problem too. The tractor needs to be heavy enough that it cannot be tipped and the wire needs to be a heavy gauge so it cannot be torn.

Another consideration is heat. The rabbits need shade to prevent heat exhaustion.

I'm not saying it can't be done successfully, but I find it easier and safer just to gather the greens and take them to the rabbits.
IF you can find a pair of used snow skis, they are perfect for the bottom of the tractor. You just need to make sure to put a solid surface down when dragging so that the rabbits feet don't get caught.
Would hardware cloth wire be considered a decent defense against racoons? I know if the dog is big enough it won't work against them. On that note though one good way might be to put 14 gauge galvanized after welding 1 x 2" wire on the outside and put hardware cloth wire on the inside zip tied to the galvanized wiring. That would seem to me to give good defense again racoons since they can't reach through and should be good enough against dogs. At least keep the dog busy until you get out there. I'm not really sure what can keep a determined dog out though. I've seen big dogs tear through a fence going around a yard before.
If you have big weeds or long grass, 1x2 is not large enough. Some rabbits get lazy and won't "pull" the stuff through. I have 2x3 holes, all weeds easily come through, but it's too big for very young kits, works better for the 8-12wk ones.
Predators can get through most anything if they really want, unless you electrify the yard they will be in, it's only time keeping them safe.
For the bottom of the tractor, you could use the Salatin design with wooden slats. Then you can just pull the tractor along and it lets grass in and doesn't mash the grass down in the process.

There are descriptions & pics here http://polyfaceapprentice.blogspot.com/search?q=rabbit

But they use chicken wire for the sides it looks like, and unless the area the tractor is in is fenced to keep out predators, better to build the pen as others said; with wire sturdy & holes small enough to keep the buns safe.