Buck wont "go for it" (first time jitters)

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Deer Heart

Well-known member
Mar 10, 2015
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Bit embarrassing and I feel bad that this is actually a PROBLEM that should come up with any living creature.


My buck - my only buck - absolutely refuses to go past bunny "first base". He is most certainly interested; sniffs the does curiously, circles around and grooms them, tries to groom their genitals, even gets really excited if they happen to urinate while in his cage (tries to lap it up) then... snuggles with them. He will even attempt to snuggle up under the girls chins. I've tried several does and he does this with all of them and at least one is VERY CLEARLY interested in being mounted. I've tried before but chalked it up to him just not being ready yet and gave him another month to mature... but... he hasn't? He is undeniably a he. His testicles have clearly dropped and I have sexed him a billion times "just to be sure".

I hate to consider it for a first timer - and my only buck - but I'm tempted to cage him with a doe overnight if my third attempt (tomorrow) does not work. I have at least one doe in raging heat and until he even attempts to get on her, none of my rabbits are "working" for their food.

Any tips before I attempt something that in my eyes is pretty drastic and not entirely safe? Part of me wonders if my presence is part of the issue though but I can't see them from a distance, I'm either right there where they can see me or I'm not there at all to make sure they're okay :/ Anyone else had shy boys? What got them to finally go for it?
how old is your buck? usually the young ones get first time jitters. you can leave the doe with the buck overnight. most of the time it's okay. though be mindful of your does personality, I've have a doe bit a bucks testicle off when he was done.
Celice":bzp3ty79 said:
how old is your buck? usually the young ones get first time jitters. you can leave the doe with the buck overnight. most of the time it's okay. though be mindful of your does personality, I've have a doe bit a bucks testicle off when he was done.

He's 6 months old to the day. I've been pretty tempted as one of the does was so undeniably ready for him. She even rubbed her chin all over his feeder (he marked it right back :| they took turns) and her vulva is very dark in color. I just don't want to run the risk of injuring him. He is my only buck and to replace him could take months if not a year or more. But this doe clearly liked him. She was grooming him right back.
Zass":rcabx7co said:
Have you...um, tried placing him on her back?
no, but I defo will try that tomorrow morning when I try again with the doe I know to certainly be in heat
Sending him mojo vibes!
I have a doe due this week as the result of our buck's first date.
My daughter (9-- hasn't quite figured out the whole birds and bees) was present and cheered him on "you can do it!" "Go Biggie!"-- it was both mortifying and hilarious.
So be sure to cheer for him :)
When you see [within five minutes or less] that nothing is taking place.
You might try removing the Doe back to her Cage. Bring her4 back to the Buck for up to
four day's in a row. Removing the Doe each time there is no action within five minutes or less, within that time frame you should see a completion of the project.
All the best of LUCK to your young Buck! {Hey, I made a Rhyme!
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
Well, he still wouldn't go for the gold this morning (even after I tried to put him on the doe myself which seemed to confuse him and put him off his game really. He just slid back off, groomed his face. then resumed grooming her) So I left them together all day while I was at work.

When I came home everyone was fine and in one piece. Both were even chilling and doing their own things (doe was laying out chilling while buck was licking his water bottle around her)

I have no idea obviously if he managed to get past just first base at any point but they both seemed very comfortable with each other's presence at least (for me this is a huge contrast from my meat mutts which I culled in the end. Both does did not like my buck but that buck was rarin to go the second he saw them - they fought off his advances for days and days and days and after he finally got them, they still failed to conceive) I will give my buck a day of rest then try one of my other does again. I'm not going to push it though to this extent if he still seems disinterested in breeding. If this fails to take, I think I'd chalk it up to him being a late bloomer and hold off another month.
I had a free mutt buck that I wanted to see what he would throw so I would know if I wanted to bother keeping him around or butcher him and get the cage space. he was young but definitely at least 4 months and I was betting closer to 6 months. his bits were all there and looking quite like my mature well fathered bucks. put a doe in with him, he was seriously excited, hopped around and did the wooing, even did a weird not quite thump.. but no dice even though this was my best doe and she was the near crazy "breed me darnit or I will force you!" type. his cage was right next to my favorite mature buck and I put her straight into his cage, let em circle and woo and thump, then ever so carefully placed my hand in the action zone... let me tell you that's one of the funniest weirdest moments of my life.. but then before I could really frustrate the poor older buck I removed the doe back to the young mutts cage. he went after her very well but still kinda was missing something... I set him on top of her gently and aimed the correct way.. and then it was off to the races and he covered her 4 times in about that many minutes. good thing too because that litter had the craziest acting kits I ever had and the only one to ever bite! culled him and the litter. too bad though he was a sweety himself just not produced anything worth keepin.

and don't worry about the older buck, he needed the extra teasing to get up the force to breed a grumpy virgin doe I needed bred at the same time. hahaha!
Welp, I decided to let him have another try last night with another doe who was veryyyy interested. After waiting 13 minutes of him courting and sniffing and grooming (and doing weird spinny pees, where he spins around while urinating, throwing it everywhere) he finally went for it. Covered her 3 times in about 5 seconds flat. The doe fought me though when I went to retrieve her, I think she wanted a bit more cuddling and covers but I didn't have all night (and my rooster was freaking out because of the manly rabbit thumping, which was putting both buck and doe off the deed)

Looks like he just needs a slightly longer courtship than most. :lol: Way to go Cracker Jack, I'm sure now he got the first girl too and I may try with a 3rd tonight to be absolutely sure I have a surrogate in case of an emergency.
Way to go, Cracker Jack! :cheer1: :cheer2: :beer2:

Now that he has it all figured out, he may not need such a long courtship. But you may be right - he could just be really into foreplay! :D

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