buck not mating

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2012
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Hey everyone,

I hate to ask a question that I know has already been asked thousands of times before but I couldn't find an answer through search.

I have a 5 month old Silver fox buck who has been "cowed" by the local New Zealand buck and is not dominate with any of the does that I have either. I have tried to get him to mate for the past few months to be honest but there has not been 1 time that he has mounted. I have placed a doe in his cage for weeks at a time with no luck. I have kept does away from him in order to hopefully make him want to see them and nothing. I have made sure that the does were in heat. I have put does in there with him who just had kits, put does in 4 - 5 weeks after they had kits and I have been met with nothing. He just doesn't do what I need him to do. One particular rabbit he sits there and will cuddle with. Really is cute to see if it wasn't so infuriating. The other does he lowers his head in submission to. I have put a doe in there with him that is 12 weeks old in order to see how he reacted. It was different than all the others. He actually became protective of his cage and showed his dominance but just be running after her and putting his head on top of her. He never once mounted. He is the sweetest rabbit I've ever owned and if I wanted a pet rabbit that would be him. I don't want a pet rabbit though.

Anyone have a similar problem and know of something that helped you?

P.S Yes, I'm positive this is a buck.

P.P.S Hi again everyone. Long time no see :)
Good to see you back, Mystang!

Five months for a Silver Fox is just barely mature, so don't expect too much. I had a young buck once that did not have a clue. Put a doe in his cage and he looked ever so pleased but just sat there and smirked. Very aggravating. Finally I put in a young hussy named Polly who showed him what she wanted. She mounted him and after that he got the idea rather quickly. So be patient and give your buck time.

Mind, you don't want to put an aggressive doe in with him... just an eager one. :)
Mary Ann's Rabbitry":1qflozvb said:
did you have him in with a older buck ......some rabbits mature at there own rate.. He might need more time.. another Month should be good.. If he was in a cage with another buck.. then that is different.

Would that really affect his desire / willingness to perform ?? How & why ?!!
Maggie already said it. He is still a teen and needs more time..
And the only way to help him is a doe mounting him to give him an idea what needs to be done.

I use this method a lot and it seems to make the buck motivated. I think of it like the buck got embarrassed being mounted by a girl and then getting mad and paying her back with more effort!

You can just lift the doe up and put her on the back of the buck, she will most likely mount him immediately.
Heck i have a doe that falls off and makes a sound, like a buck but in a more amateurish and confused way haha.
Silver Fox tend to mature a bit slower anyway, so 5 mos is pretty early for him to be ready.
Hello Mystang81.
This is just my opinion,
but I believe if you try to
breed a Buck too early/before they are ready
they are often cowed/frightened by the advantages
the more experienced Does take with them and some may NEVER breed!
This is my main reason for waiting not not breeding younger Bucks.
Your mileage may vary, but I would use caution in the future.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
Hi Mystang!!!

:hi: back! :p

I agree that he is probably just too young. Give him a month or two and try again.

Hope all of your other rabbits are doing well and filling your freezer for you. :)
Thank you all very much for the replies. I will give the buck a bit longer and then try again with a more willing doe....if I can find one of those. My does all seem to be rather reluctant even after having kits. They all fit right in here at home I suppose with how stubborn they are :)

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