Buck not keeping condition

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Aug 11, 2014
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Idabel, OK
I have a young meat cross buck. He's about 8months old. I'm feeling more of his backbone than I would like. He's already on all he can eat pellets and hay. He is a very active buck and has a lot of room to move around. He's almost constantly moving so I figure he's just running it off. Should I try adding BOSS?
I would, pumpkin seeds are also a good high calorie treat.

Plain old fashioned oatmeal is good too.
Just be careful not to overfeed on those rich foods.

It's possible that he's just running his weight off, but do observe him and his stool closely, because there is also a possibility that he could have a parasite problem.
Fit rabbits are lean but have very good muscle tone along the loin/back

I'd be suspicious of a medical issue like parasites especially if he is free fed pellets at 8 months old :shock:

My 8 to 11 pound meat bucks would lonly get 1/2 cup of 16% protein pellets when that was what I was feeding - now they get 1/3 cup of grains an alfalfa cube and are free fed grass hay
I've looked at his poo and didn't see anything that would indicate parasites. I'm actually going to cull him as soon as I can. I think he's got a bit of hare or something rather than the meat type I really want which may be contributing to his seeming a bit bony. I'll get some pics and see what you all think. <br /><br /> -- Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:46 pm -- <br /><br /> Here he is. His coat looks good and shiny. He doesn't act like he's hungry. He will often have pellets left over the next day. He has really funny short ears lol. I have no idea how he is mixed. He's birthday is probably June as he was supposed to be 8 weeks old when I got him Aug 12th. He could still be growing? I took these just a few minutes ago as I had to go out and make sure their water wasn't frozen anyway.




He was about 6lbs when I weighted him about 2 months ago. I do think he has grown a bit since then so maybe 7lbs? He's not as big as my NZ cross does that are several months younger. He's got a fairly big frame just doesn't fill it out very well.