Buck has raisin-like poo (?)

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Nov 9, 2013
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My Harley buck has been sick lately. Long list of issues with this boy internal parasites (I think), ear mites, sore hocks and now that he's finally starting to start acting better and eating good again....I notice some of his poo is stuck to the wire and its dark and looks kind of like raisins but smaller. He's drinking water and eating much better than he ever has and eats a little bit of hay too. From what I've read on other sites he's not getting enough fiber. This would make sense because he doesn't eat near as much hay as my doe. I am considering lowering his pellets and giving him a lot more hay. Should I? Should I even consider doing a drastic change and taking all his pellets away and making him just eat hay for a couple of days?
Also, while we're all here any tips on the sore hocks? I've tried the bootie-socks thing and not only have I run out of VetWrap but he's good at kicking then off. Thank you!!
Cecaltrophes? I think that's what you are referring to.

Just means he's not eating them all.

Sometimes it can mean too much protein in the diet.

Are you feeding a measured amount of feed or free fed?

biggest thing with sore hocks is to just give them time to heal. Keep him clean and dry. Perhaps give him a towel to lie on?
I thought it might be those (couldn't remember how to spell it when I was posting this and was in a hurry) but aren't they usually more round?
Intact cecotropes look somewhat like blackberries or mulberries. Like lots of smaller-than-normal bunny berries stuck together.

They are softer than regular poops, and deform easily, or even smear. They are also sticky and smell pretty strong.

They will frequently fall apart, leaving you seeing only a few scattered little somewhat flattened bunny berry lookalikes to confuse you.
Y My doe is not eating all her cecotrophes either and I was actually just going to post about it. If she is not getting enough protein what can I do to supplement it? She gets a cup of feed and I pile it up a bit since she's pregnant, a handful of Timothy hay every day, and once in a while some oats BOSS or a couple of carrots. Same for the buck only he gets just a cup.
The_Dutchess":1uhciz8r said:
Y My doe is not eating all her cecotrophes either and I was actually just going to post about it. If she is not getting enough protein what can I do to supplement it? She gets a cup of feed and I pile it up a bit since she's pregnant, a handful of Timothy hay every day, and once in a while some oats BOSS or a couple of carrots. Same for the buck only he gets just a cup.

I'd say she is getting too many goodies, unless she's already thin. Uneaten cecotropes means she is getting too much protein or carbs.
She won't need a lot of extra feed in the early part of her pregnancy.

I'd lay off on the oats and boss, and maybe the carrots, and give more hay for now.

SF rabbits seem to be pretty efficient with feed.
Sore hocks.
Either a wood resting board. Or a nest box full of hay.

I have 2 mini rex does who got sore hocks this winter.
You should see them smile with a wood nest box :)
And the sore hocks dryed up real nice on their own. No meds.
As for the sore hocks, I have a NZW who seems to have a constant struggle with them. I put cardboard in her cage, and treat with Nu-Stock. I'm not sure how much it's helping as of yet.