I have a brown-eyed white doe (I think she is an NZW, but she is getting so large that I think she may be mixed with a Giant. I got her from Rural King so I don't really know.)

This is Fredia, she has lost her kits 3 different times, with 3 different bucks, all days before she was supposed to give birth, or the day of. She was born around February of this year and was originally thought to be a male. When we got Fredia, because we thought she was a male she was put in with a buck who was the same breed as her and was about a month 1/2 older than her.
I think that the reason she is miscarrying is that the buck Fredia was with may have messed her up by getting at her too young, since she was in with him since she was about 2-3 months old.
If anyone knows or thinks they know why she is miscarrying or what breed she might be, please tell me. Fredia has one more chance to start having live kits, or even just have them in general before she is either eaten or sold.
If this is our fault or might be our fault because we put her in with a buck too young, just tell me bluntly that it was my fault.

This is Fredia, she has lost her kits 3 different times, with 3 different bucks, all days before she was supposed to give birth, or the day of. She was born around February of this year and was originally thought to be a male. When we got Fredia, because we thought she was a male she was put in with a buck who was the same breed as her and was about a month 1/2 older than her.
I think that the reason she is miscarrying is that the buck Fredia was with may have messed her up by getting at her too young, since she was in with him since she was about 2-3 months old.
If anyone knows or thinks they know why she is miscarrying or what breed she might be, please tell me. Fredia has one more chance to start having live kits, or even just have them in general before she is either eaten or sold.
If this is our fault or might be our fault because we put her in with a buck too young, just tell me bluntly that it was my fault.