Britannia Petites vs. English Spots

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2013
Reaction score
Western Michigan
I have a few questions.
Does anyone here have experience raising Brits or English Spots?
Can a Britannia Petite jump fences well due to size?
Which has the best temperament in your experience?
Which was easier to handle?
I am a little timid with large rabbits but I usually can handle little rabbits better; however I've never met an EXTREMELY skittish little rabbit - I'm not sure if it would freak me out or not. :oops:
I am basically just looking for a good hopping rabbit but not one that's hard to handle. I need to have a good relationship with this rabbit to be able to be a team.
So please, if you can, share some experiences that you've had with these breeds.
I had a pair of Brits in the late 80's so they may be very different from the modern breed but I don't think they'd be a good choice for rabbit jumping - sure they can leap like fleas but they are so skittish and flighty you'd not likely be able to train them to do so, I also doubt they'd tolerate wearing a harness and my slow but steady rabbits who traveled easily and who were not startled by crowds or cheering and could focus on just getting through the course were the better bunny jumpers IMHO
Thanks Dood. That makes sense. It's good that I'm getting unbiased opinions. That's why I can't decide. I like the Brit better but I haven't even met her and I think the English Spot is probably more practical because he is curious and lively yet not really skittish.
Anyone else have anything to add?