Breeding ?

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Active member
May 7, 2014
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I know that you should not breed sibling together but mom/son and dad/ daughter is ok. How about step siblings? Same dad but different moms?
I breed father to daughter, mother to son and siblings with no ill effects :shrug:

I have had hundreds of kits and have terrific fertility, health, few stillborns and only one birth defect of an exposed spinal chord.
Inbreeding is really a matter of judgement and opinion. It can be done well, or poorly, but there really aren't any solid rules.

If you raise for meat or have other ways of culling negative traits and carriers of negative traits, you can get away with quite a bit more inbreeding, and closer crosses.
I have never had a problem with breeding half siblings.
Same sire different Dam, or same Dam different Sire.
Even siblings is not always a bad thing. it depends on whether
the good or bad genes combine. It is possible to get a super rabbit
if all the right genes come together properly.
Anytime you breed rabbits you are at some point taking a shot in the dark.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
Yes, mother/son and father/daughter is very common. Half siblings is common also. I also believe you can breed siblings as long as you know the purpose before you do so. For example, if you want a litter just for meat, siblings is fine. I intend to do some sibling breedings this fall to see who might be carrying chocolate. Some do sibling breeding to get a better handle on genetic weaknesses in their herd. So, breed whatever suits you.
I bred full brother sister and waiting on the kits to pop. I plan on inbreeding on the same sire with his female offspring, daughter, great granddaughter, great great granddaughter and so forth as long as the next generation stays fertile.

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