Breeding the Doe *Bout time I do*

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2014
Reaction score
North Carolina
So I was wondering if there might be any sure fire ways to have kits? or something that people do to increase their chances of kits I.E. Multiple breeding, switching cages etc. I'm just curious about all this I know there isn't like a *sure fire* but I'm pretty sure you get what I mean
I've read multiple places to allow the buck to mount and roll off three times. Or until the doe starts fighting him xD Basically, no one-and-done!
Well I will try that. I will probably put her in with him a few times over a couple days as well she is a good momma and has really nice babies now I need to figure out which buck I wanna put her with any ideas? Here is my options
Buck 1 *Butterball*: His name was OllyBear but now he is a fatty so it's Butterball lol
Buck 2 *Hopster*
Buck 3 *Henry Hugglemonster* He is for sure a Holland Lop

Not sure which buck I want to put her with I plan to sell them for meat/pet so I think that Hopster or Butterball would be best for what I need but if I do that which one should I put her with?!?! AHH! Decisions decisions. Need some help which one do you think I should use
I have no opinions on the bucks, they are all nice, but I wanted to add that I suggest you breed soon. It's already getting warm, and you don't want your doe to suffer trying to kindle in really warm weather.

Good luck!
Oh I am planning to breed over this week. I realize it's getting warm but up until know the weather was so crazy I didn't want her to freeze cause it would get warm one week then like 30's the next it was crazy. and Thank you! Luck is something I could always use ;P <br /><br /> -- Wed May 06, 2015 11:42 am -- <br /><br /> I put her with buck 2 I put him in let him do his thing take him out and then put him in 3 times. The first two she kinda ran around and wouldn't lift till after he flopped over. Or he would hump her head. The last time though she lifted from the beginning and let him have at it

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