Breeding Rabbits with Parasite Problem

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Apr 2, 2016
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I have two small breed rabbits (buck and doe). The female rabbit had her first litter of 3. They were all fine up until about 10 weeks, when they suddenly died. There were no symptoms. They seemed perfectly fine! Out of nowhere they suddenly were unable to stand, laid on their side, and had brief body spasms until they died. I'm sure it's a parasitic issue because it also killed two additional baby rabbits outside the gene pool, that I had purchased after the others had died. I wanted to know if anyone else has dealt with this issue before and how it could be treated. UPDATE: My doe is pregnant with a second litter, I'm worried the parasite will kill them off too. How can I prevent this?
Bacterial and viral infections spread much easier than parasite, especially if they are housed in seperate cages. A stool sample sent to the vet could identify which parasite if it is one

Have you performed necropsies to see what their organs look like ?
Have you seen any worms in their feces?
Were the kits that died bloated looking?

I'm sorry for your losses. :( Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this!
Easy Ears":5igjmzxg said:
Have you seen any worms in their feces?
Were the kits that died bloated looking?

I'm sorry for your losses. :( Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this!

I haven't seen worms and they did not appear bloated. In fact, their bodies suddenly looked sunken in when they lost their balance.
Sunken-in is usually dehydration.
Was there diahrea?
My hunch is mold or fungal toxins in the feed or hay.

Adults can tolerate a lot higher levels than kits can.

Just to be safe, were any new foods introduced during their last week of life?

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