breeding question

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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
Tifton, GA
I have these Jersey Woolies I'm trying to breed. Bred one doe twice today and he did the deed both times no problem. Bred another doe today and the first time she lifted great and he bred her. The second time she got aggressive and actually attacked the buck. I don't leave rabbits together because of this and I pulled her off of him pretty quickly. Should I let him have another go at it or hope that the first mating today was magic? It has been about 6 hours since the first mating. This particular doe has gotten aggressive before with a buck.
I once let my buck breed a doe 3 times, and then immediately bred him to another doe, only letting him cover her once.

The doe covered 3 times had 4 kits. The doe covered once had 9.

I'd say you're good. Letting him cover her more than once is more for your peace of mind and his pleasure than anything else, LOL.

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