Breeding question

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2012
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I have a healthy 1.5 year old buck (NZ Flemish cross). I have three does to breed. Can I have him cover all them in one day or is that asking too much? How many times a day is it fair to ask a buck to do the deed without wearing him out or having him be ineffective? I would like the does bred close together but don't want to overwork poor Zeke. I worry that if I put each doe in twice, 8-12 hours apart, the poor fella might have a heart attack trying to get the job done!

Thanks in advance for any advice!
He should be fine. I have had bucks cover at least two does the same day... I can't recall if I've had one cover three.

I would let him cover each one once and then put them back for another cover. I usually have mine cover the does two or three times each, so six covers shouldn't stress him out.

He'll probably sleep well that night though! :zzz:
Thanks Mama. I tried my younger buck Zakk, but he hadn't a clue what to do when Ella was put in the cage with him. He just snuffled at her sides and face a few times, then ignored her, so I took her out and let Zeke try. He did his duty admirably.

This is Ella's last chance as she didn't take the last two breedings and I was sure they were successful covers both times. I am going to go ahead and breed her two daughters, Chloe and Poppy. They're still a bit on the young side at 20 weeks, but after reading of others successful breeding at 16+ weeks, checking their bunny parts and seeing they were large and dark pink, and both being in good body condition, I think it should be okay to breed them. Now, if they all three take, I'm going to be up to my elbows in baby bunnies in March! I can hardly wait! Gonna try my hand at palpating this time.
I hope Ella takes this time! Have you tried putting her on a diet of just hay and a mineral block for a couple of weeks? You might try that and I've seen it suggested to put some type of low barrier in the cage that she has to jump to get to her food or water.

Good luck with Chloe and Poppy too!