breeding not taking???

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2012
Reaction score
York, PA
I think I'm having trouble getting breedings to take. I've bred one of my does (now 11ish months) with one of my bucks 2 times (each time after she hasn't given birth after 37 days) and I know the buck is viable because he has created kits with another doe. I also bred her with my other buck and no luck. I've bred another of my does with the proven buck, and had the same issue. Every time the doe lifted and the buck fell off multiple times. I don't understand why the breedings aren't taking. It can't be heat sterilization after all this time, because the proven buck at least fathered kits during the summer, fall, and now winter months. I checked for readiness on the doe and both were definitely ready when I bred them (the one, each time I bred her). I checked them all for vent disease and haven't seen any signs, nor any other signs of sickness either. They are all in good condition, not too fat and not too thin. I just can't figure out why they seem to be bred, but are not producing any kits, or even showing signs of having any, like nesting behavior. Please help???
Many things may cause does too not take,overweight, infections or sometimes we just dont know.
The biggest culprit to failed breedings is the doe being overweght. More does are "fat" than "skinny". The reason: They are the best pan-handlers and beggars that one could imagine.

They "beg" as if they are starving to death each time you walk in front of their cage. Of course you feel, "Aw-w-w-w, poor thing, just a little more feed, just this once." After so many "just-this-once's" you've got a fat rabbit on your hands. Moral: Fat rabbits don't make babies.

give some flax seed... A pinch at first than up to quarter of a teapoon after... Every day.. as long she isnt fat... THIS has worked...If not.. Then i would cull her..Some females just cant get pregnant as there is something wrong with the organs. The same in humans.
Copied from this thread; judging-a-doe-s-readiness-and-breeding-tips-t9869.html :

If you have a successful breeding resulting in no litter, or an unwilling pair, the buck and/or doe may be lacking sufficient levels of Vitamin A and E. Good sources of Vitamin A include Dandelion, Turnip greens, Mustard greens, Romaine lettuce, spinach, winter squash, sweet potato, and carrots. Vitamin E can be found in Sunflower seeds, dried apricots, basil, oregano, and spinach.

Apple Cider Vinegar is often added to the water to promote good condition in both does and bucks.

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