breeding mini lops

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2015
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I bred a pair of mini lops tonight. Buck is a broken steel blue, silver tipped, doe is steel black, gold tipped.
This will be my first breeding of mini lops, quite anxious to see what comes from them.
I was going to breed a chestnut agouti buck to that doe, but I really really like my broken steel blue buck, so I figured I would give him a try.
Should be a successful breeding, 4 fall off in about 8-10 minutes.

Anyone have any guesses as to what colors I might see? If it matters, patents of the buck were sire: broken chestnut agouti, dam: steel blue
Patents of the doe were sire: broken chestnut agouti, dam: black.
Mostly gold tipped steels and maybe some chestnuts.

There is a good chance you'll get very dark Steels that will mimic self black but self black is also a slim possibilty as is silver tipped steel.
On the same train of thought as original post by DBA...
We should have a litter of Mini Lops arriving this next weekend. It will be our first litter from pedigreed, show quality lines. Excited to see what we get.

The doe is a broken Steel - black (Gold tipped) (her sire the same as her & her dam a chestnut)
the buck was solid black (Coming from Black and broken black).
I don't know how the Steel genes work and what all the options would be for kits. The doe also had some chinchilla in her line and the buck some chocolate.
You should get 50% broken and 50% solid

You'll mostly get chestnut and steel chestnut (gold tipped steel) and possibly self black

the chance of chinchilla or chocolates is remote (less than 12.5%)
Dood":2ambmy04 said:
You should get 50% broken and 50% solid

You'll mostly get chestnut and steel chestnut (gold tipped steel) and possibly self black

the chance of chinchilla or chocolates is remote (less than 12.5%)

Thanks so much for the feedback Dood!
I need to revise my original post. At a show this weekend a friend was looking over my buck, he isn't silver tipped blue steel, he is broken opal.
And he is being invited to dinner tomorrow night.
Same results -chestnut and gold tip steel - but you should get fewer steels (50% instead of 75%) and you won't get any super steel that often look like self blacks.
DBA":y8l572a7 said:
I need to revise my original post. At a show this weekend a friend was looking over my buck, he isn't silver tipped blue steel, he is broken opal.
And he is being invited to dinner tomorrow night.

You're eating your favorite buck? :/
Syberchick70":36rwt82m said:
DBA":36rwt82m said:
I need to revise my original post. At a show this weekend a friend was looking over my buck, he isn't silver tipped blue steel, he is broken opal.
And he is being invited to dinner tomorrow night.

You're eating your favorite buck? :/

Not DBA but their buck attacked his son.

From his other topic:

DBA":36rwt82m said:
Yes, my ML buck literally attacked my son. He reached into his cage to get him out to put in the transport cage. The rabbit lunged at him bit once, then sunk his teeth into my sons arm and started shaking vilolently. Totally unprovoked.
I took him to the show anyway to have a friend evaluate him. She says, he is a good starter rabbit, but wouldn't place high in shows and pointed out why.
Ok, I have better quality mini lops for breeding, and he is just over a year old and getting more and more aggressive, so we will be inviting him to dinner shortly.
Prettiest buck, but no longer favorite. He is getting way to aggressive. Attacked my sun Saturday morning, completely unprovoked. Lunged at him and burried his teeth into my sons wrist and began shaking and thrashing about.
I had an experienced ML breeder look him over at a show Saturday, although he is a nice looking rabbit, she said she wouldn't breed him unless it was her only buck and to a really strong doe.
So, off to Kamp Kenmore he goes.
That is crazy, DBA!! Was the buck sweet prior to the attack? Those kind of stories scare me because our buck is such a loving, sweet boy... my son would be crushed if he suddenly turned violent :/
He was always tempremental. Some days really nice, most days he was ok out of his cage but if you reached in his cage he would try to nip your fingers.

Hopefully his offspring won't be like that.
Just FYI, a few days after he bit my son, he got bit back, by all of us.
Definitely watch those kits for signs of aggressiveness. If they are going to display it, it will USUALLY start showing up at about 3 or 4 months. Considering I am wary of the sibling of that steel buck you will be getting from me, if you have any issues with him, let me know IMMEDIATELY. I don't put up with that stuff and I CERTAINLY don't expect someone who gets a rabbit off of me to. There is no excuse for that in a buck, IMO. I am glad you guys culled him. I would hate to see one of you guys get hurt and ethically you couldn't't sell him knowing he bit. I think you made the right choice.

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