Breeding help- Doe won't breed!

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Mar 17, 2013
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The male will do his thing, but she just sits upright and nothing happens. We have tried everything. We really want a litter out of her this month but don't know what to do. We've tried breeding different times of day and different locations. She's totally uninterested or will hump the male. She isn't aggressive towards him and I know she isn't pregnant. I've bred bunnies before and never had a doe like this.

Please help. She is two and I don't think she has been bred before.
if she is humping the male that is typically a good sign, means she wants to breed. (if they are of the opposite sex). Have you trietd putting them in a neutral area?
Yeah they usually go to the wire dog pen, I feel like the males hutch is Wayyyy too small for them!
Hi, :welcomewagon:

1. Check vent color ... should be dark pink/red/purple to indicate readiness to breed
2. Table breed ... hold the doe with one hand on her shoulder/neck, other hand underneath between thighs, raising her rear for the buck
3. Try her with a different buck ... she may intimidate the one you are using now, she may not like him
4. Move her cage next to/away from the buck for a week
5. Move buck away from all does for a week
6. Apple cider vinegar in their water for a week (1 TBS per gallon of water)
7. Raspberry Zinger tea for a week
8. Put both on a hay-only diet for a week in case they have too much internal fat to breed (getting close to doing that with one maiden doe I can't get bred!)
9. Use the buck's cage anyway ... smaller space gives him a better chance
10. Switch the doe and buck to each other's cage for a day before trying to breed
11. Take her for a car ride ... some folks swear by this :p

These are not in any particular order, so whatever you have already tried, move on to another :D
I suggest that you:
Bring the Doe to the Buck for up to four days in a row.
Within that time frame she should get bred.
Do not leave the Doe with the Buck if no action
is taking place within five minutes.
Bring her back the next day.
This will work.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
Some of these tips were very helpful! Thanks everyone!

We have 3 other does we are now having the SAME trouble with. The buck does his job while she lays down, and nothing happens. Tried table breeding and haven't been successful. I've never had this problem?!? Other bunny breeders I know say they've never seen does like ours, that won't breed. The two we had problems with before finally got it, not sure how though, but maybe it was bc we kept lights On. We are trying the same with our three Netherlands but does anyone know why I have this prOblem? Anyone else have that problem? Bunnies are supposed to be easy to breed!!

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