I got started in Rabbits in 1989,
when a neighbor gave my Daughter a Rabbit for Easter.
The whole story is on my website.
Needless to say that this lead to: A lot of work in preparation
to do the Rabbit thing correctly. Being unfamiliar I borrowed
a book from the library, the information was "old".
I built a cage much too large that was eventually made into
two cages. I read every book on he subject I could beg, borrow,
or steal! [Not Really] I bent the ear of every knowledgeable
rabbit breeder I could. When I started I built many wood and wire
rabbit hutches, but found that I was standing out in the weather
way too long when caring for them! They were nice and Dry and I
was either Soaked in the Rain or freezing in the Snow and Ice.
I built my Rabbit Barn. [for lack of a better name]
I have learned quite a bit through books, the internet
and a vast amount of experience. I continue to learn today,
if you don't learn something new everyday, you are just not listening.
You WILL spend quite a bit of $money$, in fact, a LOT of $$Money$$
in an effort to do things correctly and to your liking.
You must try to make things as easy as you can for yourself and
your Rabbits. No matter what you do and how perfect you feel that you've
got it, you will constantly be rethinking yourself and changing this and that
in an effort to make things even better. This being the case, You never
stop reaching into your pocket to purchase something else to change
and make things easier. You can and will make a bit of money with Rabbits
but they will never make you a millionaire. I have rabbits because
I love and enjoy them, they give me a reason to get up in the morning.
I have more than just a few times threatened to throw in the towel,
but once you are bitten, you can't! Rabbits are like eating Potato Chips,
You cannot eat/have just one! Rabbits grow on you, and grow and grow
and grow, well, you get the picture.
Take a PILL, swallow it and enjoy your infection!