Bottom trouble

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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2012
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Question: I have some 3 week going to be 4 week old kits. I have had to clean 2 out of the 4 kits bottoms because they had lots of poop stuck. It was like a big ball. Why is their bottoms getting like this? They seem fine playing eating and drinking. They are inside with the mom in my room. Is it because their bodies are still not use to the feed yet or could the be sneaking some of mom's BOSS and oatmeal. Also how can I get it to stop building up so bad. I clean the cage every chance it needs clean which seems like a lot since there are 5 bunnies in a cage. So its not like they are sitting in their poop and getting it stuck to their bottoms. So I need some help here. I never had this happen to me before with any of my other kits.
Some get dirty butts and some don't. It often goes by litter. It happens on wire floors so it's not from the floor being dirty. The poop sticks in the fur as it comes out of the kit. It could be some don't adjust as fast to solid food or maybe they are having trouble making/eating cecal poops. Cecal poops are stickier and full of vitamins the rabbit needs but can't get in the first pass of the food through the digestive tract so they usually grab these as they come out.
akane makes good points but you may be seeing the results of to rich a diet, You may want to up the hay and cut back the pellets...and feed mom her BOSS when the kits cant get it. I have had messy bottoms when feeding BOSS to grow outs, and when I stopped the bottoms cleared up. :)
Well I've been giving mom BOSS in a lid that I hold until she is done so I know the kits don't get any. But they always have free range of pellets and hay.
Maybe some kits eat more pellets than hay compared to others. There's several possible causes. It usually doesn't have much impact on their health so long as they aren't having actual diarrhea or other concerning symptoms. They usually outgrow it by 8-10weeks or else just get better at cleaning themselves.
EnglishSpot and I have just gone through this exact thing[/] Good luck with the babies!

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