Ok.. reading about BOSS.
Now I've learnt that black oil sunflower seeds are the most common across the pond and the ones birds will most likely eat.
On this side it's the opposite - the striped ones are both more common and preferred by the birds.
I've learnt the BOSS has 5-10% more oil than the striped. And the striped has a bit thicker shell.
Now.. concidering the price and how available it is over here.. is there really any important differense?
Is there any important factor or differense between the sunflowerseed-types other than the fat?
Can I feed them striped ones instead, since that's what we've got? Peeled ones, which I figure is striped ones from start?

Now I've learnt that black oil sunflower seeds are the most common across the pond and the ones birds will most likely eat.
On this side it's the opposite - the striped ones are both more common and preferred by the birds.
I've learnt the BOSS has 5-10% more oil than the striped. And the striped has a bit thicker shell.
Now.. concidering the price and how available it is over here.. is there really any important differense?
Is there any important factor or differense between the sunflowerseed-types other than the fat?
Can I feed them striped ones instead, since that's what we've got? Peeled ones, which I figure is striped ones from start?