Bluebelle kindles!!!!

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
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near London, Ontario
So after the anticipation of Bluebelle wanting her nest box 10 days early, she finally kindled two days late! ARGH!

6-7 kits, I had an accurate count but then I did chores and wasn't inclined to bother her again. 1 Kit DOA.

Looks like a nice litter. One kit may be missing an ear, but we'll wait til tonight to double check that. She was VERY curious about what I was doing but not nasty at all, so I figured I wouldn't press my luck.
Yeah, but . . . that would be on top of all my goat Yahoo groups (Goats Canada, Saanen Talk, Boers, Home Dairy Goats, Cart Wagon Goats), plus Kijiji, plus the Soapmaking Forum, plus writing my daily essay to K . . . :lol: Not to mention Rabbit Talk!
well okay...MORE boards than I am part of. so no time for facebook. :)

cart wagon goats? intrigued i am :) but then again I was always intrigued by dog pulling wagons/carts. :)<br /><br />__________ Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:39 pm __________<br /><br />harlies
But what breed of rabbit is Bluebelle?


Have a joyful day!<br /><br />__________ Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:18 pm __________<br /><br />
Half Caper Farm":100ge7bs said:
Yeah, but . . . that would be on top of all my goat Yahoo groups (Goats Canada, Saanen Talk, Boers, Home Dairy Goats, Cart Wagon Goats), plus Kijiji, plus the Soapmaking Forum, plus writing my daily essay to K . . . :lol: Not to mention Rabbit Talk!

What? No Angora goats?

Have a good day!
Bluebelle is a Harlequin. :D

No Angora goats - and four of my five sheep are hair sheep. One is supposed to be, but her daddy was woolly and so is she. :roll: There's enough to do around here without dealing with extremely hairy critters!