Biscuit's current brood

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
feeding biscuit treats

the red is the runt of the litter

the white is one of the best

Her favourite treat is apple, but grass from the lad works really well too

She's been very curious about goings on around here lately, a couple of time when I've opened the box to say hi she's hopped right out and explored the yard. So glad she comes when called.

She's just a grand gal, she'll be getting a couple of months off after this litter since this brood is making her a bit thin. Probably breed in again in six weeks or so.

I find it very curious with this litter that all the magpies are bucks and all the reds are does.
thank you. Biscuit is actually 1/2 harlequin, her kits are 3/4 harlequin. The red kit surprised me as she's never had a solid red kit when bred harlequin before. It's easy for me to take pics of her as she's one of my favourite does. And has so mellowed since being outside in a big pen. :)
Biscuit always gives you such nice litters. :)

Miss M":2lu4wfa3 said:
Sex-link rabbits? :p

:lol: Now that would be a very marketable rabbit!

Take THAT, Sex Change Fairy!
don't they have that in the Brazillian rabbits... but it's more coat/body build? (the sex linking I mean).

But sex linked bunnies would be rather very helpful wouldn't it?
this cage is a permanent set up for Biscuit.
Biscuit is a doe who has a strong dislike for any (and I literally mean ANY) other rabbit. When in her previous cage, she barely tolerated her kits to five weeks tops.
She raises big litters and a favourite around here.
I moved her to the big cage to give her some space.
I was amazed at how moving her by herself has tempered her. She's more tolerant of people. I very much remain "her person" and she remains "my rabbit".
She is willing to let her kits stay with up to five weeks without raising a fuss but I generally move most of them out by six weeks.

This cage is a strongly built 4 x 4 cage. Wind protected on one and half sides. Expanded metal base, rabbit wire around the edges (like what you use for gardens to keep rabbits out).
She is litter trained.

She is the smartest rabbit I own and will come when called, go over jumps for me and is generally a big goof. She will do most anything for a handful of oats.
I am VERY careful with her with other people though, as she considers most people like she considers other rabbits....get out of my sight, here...let me show you the door.
But she's excellent at training children and adults how to read rabbit body language. I suppose this is one of the reasons I keep her. :) She's an excellent training aid.

This year she has a growing regard for my boy as he loves to hand feed her through the wire, the other day he was looking in on her and she came up to him with her ears forward....a huge step up for her. :)

She likes to be bred every six weeks (or she gets progressively more grumpy) though right now I'm going to give her a break for as long as I can. I have no buck big enough to breed her and she's getting a tad thin. My youngster buck needs to grow up a bit and realize that me holding a doe is not a bad thing. :) She needs to be held to be bred or she'll boss the business out of the buck very very quickly.

I like this doe even though technically I shouldn't. :)
But for me....she's good. :)

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