Whaaat? That’s brilliant! Love the mover’s blanket repurposing idea! Maybe I’ll have to revisit putting them in the barn on the gardening side… :?
Of course there will be updates! Haha, I should take a picture of our garage right now… boxes and things piled everywhere! And (somewhat) neatly ordered in regards to what needs to come up to the house with us immediately vs. later on. My poor MIL is not very happy with the “clutter”, but it’s very very temporary we keep assuring her. To be fair, she helped us move a lot of it into the garage, so I don’t think she’s entirely beside herself.
Our plan is definitely to expand on rabbits beyond the typical trio once we can afford a larger herd. And we’re planning on building a small ( 4-6 bird) chicken coop in the back of the property, so I can have fresh eggs (and maybe a meat bird, once in a while). The coop probably won’t be built this year, though. Gotta take care of the little fixes in the house, first.
We keep toying with the idea of one day getting goats (DH doesn’t want any “milking” animals, so I’ve had to assure him that we can keep goats for meat as well). And with my latest fiber and spinning obsession, I’ve considered adding Huaca alpacas to the list of possible future animals. I can only imagine the water waste (or evaporation, splashing, etc.) that ducks would entail, and our California water budget can’t handle that. Not yet, anyway. Quail might be a possibility, but I don’t really foresee us needing them, given the rabbits and chickens should provide a good chunk of our proteins.
I’m sure you’ll be as excited as I am when you finally get your own property! And I’ll be happy to let anyone live vicariously through DH and I while we start on this most excellent adventure! Let me know if there’s any specific projects you wanna see when we get going, I’ll try to add as much as I can for everyone’s viewing pleasure.