BEW Mini Rex color pairings

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Apr 5, 2013
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Hello everyone! I am new to the world of pedigreed show bunnies and we just acquired our first BEW mini rex he is beautiful. My question is I am going to be breeding in the future and am having a hard time understanding what color(s) I can or should put with him. Keeping in mind I want to be able turn show any offspring we may keep. Loo,king to get our does but want to be able to start with the right color to pair him with. Thank in advance for your help.
to get showable colors you have to breed your BEW to another BEW. Any other pairing will result in vienna marked kits which are not showable (but very cute!)
Just gonna throw this in here...while vienna-marked (aka VM) kits are unshowable, they can still be useful for breeding. ;) A high-quality vienna-marked doe with GREAT conformation and an EXCELLENT coat would be a better partner for your buck than a moderate to low quality BEW. Go for type and conformation, color will follow. ;)

Simple chart:

BEW + BEW = 100% BEW
BEW + VM = 50% VM, 50% BEW
VM + VM = 50% VM, 25% BEW, 25% non-Vienna
BEW + non-Vienna = 100% VM
VM + non-Vienna = 50% VM, 50% non-Vienna
You will get improper eye colour if you introduce the chocolate, dilute, chinchilla, or shaded genes so stick with chestnuts, fawns, blacks, torts, black otter or black and tan.

All kits born from a BEW will carry the Vienna gene, not all will have white marks so you must keep excellent records and tattoo the kits to keep track of who does and does not have it. Half of the kits born from a Vienna carrier will get the gene and again, they may or may not have white marks on them.

These white-less vienna carriers can be shown and win :D but when bred to another rabbit half of the kits born will get the Vienna gene and again, they may or may not have white disqualifying marks on them.

You should tell buyers that they do or may have the Vienna gene as breeders not working with BEW do not want the gene in their herd.
Yes you can sometimes get Vienna carriers that show no sign of it, myself I never have. Mine always have either blue spots in the eye, snips of white, silvering or excessive white hairs in the solids, or all of the above and no nose markings in the brokens etc. Right now the best variety out there is the Otter group, if you could get an exceptional black otter doe for your buck that would be a great start.

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