I have more medium sized rabbits but I used to have a doe who was a real kicker, literally. I do what probably a lot of others will tell you to do. Sit down (preferably somewhere bright!) with the rabbit on your lap, then flip him over so the his hind legs-hip area is in between your knees and lay the rest of him down towards you, still in between your legs, gently squeezing him with your legs so he cant move too much. It's kind of complicated until you get the hang of it, it took me a while. Basically the idea is you are using your legs to keep his body secure so your hands are free for holding on to feet and, in some cases, keeping the buggers from kicking!
With some of my calmer buns I put them on the grooming table (in my case a used kitchen table) and getting something that like an inch or two high, maybe a bowl or container, Then as you are clipping the nail prop his back feet up on this so he has less leverage and movement to wiggle away while clipping. If you are clipping the front right use your left hand and reach around him and under him to get that foot into position to clip it so he can't pull away. Same applies for both front feet. In the back I use the left hand for left foot and squeeze bunbun against myself to prevent a lot of moving. This is a bit more complicated since it is less secure than the above method but if you are able wrap your hands around him good enough it does work.
I hope this helps! I know the second method is weird, I kind of made it up when I didn't know the first tactic...
Good luck!