Being practical-- re breeding?

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Reaction score
South River, Ontario
Ok. I need to hear from you practiced and practical folks ;)

We had three meat mutts bred and ended up with 4 kits and a dead doe.
The kits were for our freezer (assuming we could keep a doe or two for spring breeding and resell the mutt mamas who were bigger than we want to keep all winter-- NZW/Satin and her daughter whose sire was French Lop).

Well, you know what happens when you make a plan! :lol:

In Northern Ontario winter is early and long.
I want to wrap up production by mid-October.

So I have for meat brood does:
Clover (kits are 6 weeks, she could be bred again, great condition, great mama. Flemish cross I plan to breed to my NZR buck)
Spice (2 @ 10 day old kits in nest out of my Cali buck and they made very pretty babies LOL she is age 2+ and going back to original owner ASAP -- I could try her again and keep her, though and use my Cali again)
Pearl (2 @ 2 day old kits, lost 5 during kindling likely due to #3 being stuck on way out. She's s little chunky but has nice meat type and I want to give her another chance-- with my Cali to get some pointed white to breed back to him)

And I want to have same due dates.

Should I cull Pearl's two? I would like to see how they go for a bit because the sire is a very nice pb NZW and I would like a doe (3/4 NZ) to breed to my pb NZR --but I could breed him to Pearl.
But it makes the most sense to breed her ASAP since her litter was nearly a wash, doesn't it, and I think she will get gain weight feeding just two kits?

I guess I'm stuck on what happens if she delivers in 4-5 weeks with kits...
Not good, right?
It's fine. People do it all the time. Maybe wait a week so they're 5 weeks old when weaned, but the mom Will likely do her part & wean them herself.
I agree, you don't need to cull the babies to rebreed the doe. They will probably wean just fine at 4 or 5 weeks old.

It's actually really common to breed back earlier with a tiny litter like that.

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