Bedding for litter box

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2010
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I normally used hay for it in the past, but rather than buy an entire bale of it and watch 90% of it go to waste, I'm starting to explore other alternatives.

Anyone ever used wood shavings for it?
wood shavings would be fine.
In the colder months I often use wood shavings [Kiln dried Pine]
in the nestbox with some grass-hay on top. The Dam will
prepare the nest as suits her.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
I use wood shavings topped with shredded newspapers.its easier too clean up in my basement.
litter box or nest box?

for a litter box...wood stove pellets work well, most anything will work in a litter box...even nothing at all if you have a wire mesh over the bottom of it.

for a nest box...straw, hay, pine shavings, aspen, newspaper etc...
Sorry guys. I've never considered "litter boxes" as they pertain to rabbits as being anything other than the box where does built nests for their litters. I probably should have been more specific or at least mindful.

I realized something last night about the NESTING boxes I bought last month. They are BARELY, and I mean within a quarter inch, going to fit thru the front cage doors. They'll fit, but man it is going to be a pain in the neck getting them into and out of the does' hutches.

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