Bedding failure.....

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Well-known member
May 30, 2012
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Alright, I've been using horse pellets (or wood stove pellets) "fluffed up". They control smells GREAT, are really easy to sift all the berries and loose hay out of....BUT....are DUSTY, DUSTY, DUSTY!!! (If I leave them as pellets I cant sift the berries out, so there's no point in doing that.)

I love that I'm able to separate all the berries and hay out so I can put them on my gardens...but I can't have that much dust in the house. Since I need to pull everyone out of the colony to replace the tarp (with something else....) anyway, I'm going to redo all the bedding at the same time.

I need to be able to control the stink still, would you go with wood shavings or hay/straw? I'm thinking hay/straw would be better for composting (I really need to start a bin!) but that wood shavings may be easier to spot clean. I'm also thinking wood shavings would be easier to see the wet spots for scooping.

Ideas? Opinions? Cute bunny pictures?
Either Stall Dry or Sweet PDZ...both work amazingly well at keeping moisture absorbed which is what creates the smell. We use Sweet PDZ in our chicken coop...just sprinkle half a cup or so over the shavings and it smells sweet for weeks.
Tegan":2rhy6rjh said:
Ideas? Opinions?

Why not leave the pellets whole and stop worrying about scooping poop? The poop doesn't smell- it just looks a bit messy. Then just take the whole batch of bedding and "berries" out and add it to your garden or compost pile. :)

My JW's are STILL in the house, despite being way past quarantine requirements, and they live behind our living room couch with no odor issues.

Tegan":2rhy6rjh said:
Cute bunny pictures?

:p Why certainly! I'd be happy to oblige! :p

Here are my Woolys in their little home:

IMG_6262.JPG<br /><br />__________ Tue Nov 27, 2012 3:36 pm __________<br /><br />You can see that most of the pellets have broken down into powder, but they still are not stinky. :)
Can I use the Stall Dry or SweetPDZ if the buns are going to come in direct contact with it?

I'd leave them whole MS, but when they break down like that they are still gonna get dusty pretty bad, my buns have a tendency to have race track days....and it really gets the dust flying.
My JW are in the house too. I have a pack and play that the babies are in and I have pellets in that for bedding. I have also switched from natural cat litter to pellets in the cage trays. Much better.

Cute fish you have there MSD. Are those a new breed of fluffy fish?
I'm totally waffling on this. I still have three bags of pellets...I think next time I scoop I'm going to take a little extra out and then just put the bags in whole (unfluffed) and see how it goes. If it works...great...if not...well I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.<br /><br />__________ Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:19 am __________<br /><br />And I think I came across a solution to the "tarp" issue. Plastic corrugated panels (Coroplast)...I can get them in lengths long enough that the box/fence will hold down the edges. There will be a little "gap" between sheets but I should be able to butt them up close enough that it shouldn't be an issue. And if one gets torn up somehow it's easy to slide it out and replace it with another! Why didn't I think of this to begin with! Easy to clean, fairly durable, and the rabbits shouldn't bother it too much. Even if I "smash" it by walking on it it's not that big of a deal....shesh....I swear I have no brain sometimes!