I have a question...I have never been to a show before. I was trying to watch some of the judging but it was tough...the only thing I wish was that maybe they had put the judges elevated against the walls...very difficult to see what was going on for short round girl. LOL
I watched one judge with Checkered Giants. I don't know if it's my ignorance or if anyone else saw the judging that could help me. He seemed....excessivly rough with the rabbits. And he judged one, replaced it, and than picked up another bunny. I'm new to rabbits but it was easy to see to me that the bun was trying to poop when he picked it up, and was trying to poop on the table. I mean...when you got to go you got to go...he was trying to pee, but the judge kept whapping him on the butt, whapping him on the butt and than the side. Eventually the rabbit turned and sprayed him...A LOT. All down his arm and side.
Is it normal for the judges to be so rushed and rough? If your rabbit decides to bathe a judge, are your chances over?