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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2011
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Over the weekend I went to an Angora Specialty show in OHio, almost to West Virginia.

But REALLY people, When a man who knows your are going to a bunny show gives you $300 and says have a good time--he should expect you to come back with more bunnies than you had before, should he not? Why act so surprised?

(Rant warning) Blew out a rear tire at 70 mph. Got a tow truck and took me to Wal-Mart. They refused to put an identical tire on my vehicle because of a sticker on the door stated another size tire.....Uhm, these are not original rims. They offered to sell me 4 of the stated size....uhm, these are not original rims. Even called the customer service boss and asked if I could sign some waver--NO YOU CANNOT. So I was towed, possibly over the boarder to West Virginia to a shop that wasn't open, for a really nice guy to come open up and put on a tire for me in the middle of his Saturday morning and only charged me $60 for a used tire that was in better shape than the three on my truck right your local service people...(end of rant)

I got to meet a few people from FaceBook, which was nice. I did buy Lisa's two girl bunnies... they'd already been shown and the one I liked straight away had placed first and the other a fifth, but watching the showing let me know that doesn't mean a hoot, really. (Sorry to the show folks, but you know an 8 week old rabbit will grow into some "perfection standards" and out of others).

I'm thinking of calling them Tabouli and Tahini. I don't know my colors well enough to tell what they are. The paperwork says chocolate aguti for both, but one is a bit tan and the other a bit grey/brown in the under coat. They are little things, under all that fluff, only 8 weeks old. I have them in quarantine in my kitchen pantry. They seem pretty well adapted to rabbit life. What more can you want? They seem about like 8 year-old human girls, sort of giggly and full of questions, all legs and pigtails. Very curious about the world and not afraid of dogs.

Lisa had never brushed them, to see how mat-prone their wool would be. Tahini had a few more mats, but they were based in veg. matter and pulled apart by finger and comb, no scissors needed. They were starting to shed and the amount of the comb-out was pretty impressive. Since they'd never been brushed, I was very happy with how well they sat still. Even though they weren't happy with being flipped, no blood was drawn.
Good work! Two tows, a new tire and you still had money for new buns? (WalMart is evil!) Take that sticker out of the door, paint over it or print a new one for the tire size of your rims. Or better yet, stay away from WM.

Never brushed young bunnies and then took them to a show? That seems like a way to encourage mats. The baby wool is different from the adult coat, anyway, and usually is more mat prone so if they didn't mat as juniors that's a good indication for their adult coat. Also, how can a judge tell how dense their actual coat is if it's matted?

Yeah, I know what you mean about rabbit shows, although perhaps we aren't supposed to notice that the king isn't wearing any clothes.

Colors of bunnies are pretty variable within a certain color name. "Agouti" can range from a brownish to a grayish and still fit within the specs.
owlsfriend":dsg8f1u3 said:
When a man who knows your are going to a bunny show gives you $300 and says have a good time--he should expect you to come back with more bunnies than you had before, should he not? Why act so surprised?

Of course he should! He only acted surprised to allay any suspicions that he is also succumbing to Rabbitosis and prefers that you manifest the Aquireosis stage for him! ;)

Ahem... why are there no pictures of the woolly wee beasties scampering amongst your canned goods? Hmm?
So sorry to hear about the tire trouble you had. But glad to hear you brought home two does and they are settling in nicely. Definitely need to see pics of your new Woolie girls!


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