Baby weights

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Oct 30, 2014
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
The kits are 15 days old and I weighed, what a disparity!! My three blacks I suspected inherited the dwarf gene from their black MR father and the three brokens have always been bigger and took after their broken Himi/NZx mom. Is this typical baby weights? I'm sorry I don't have pictures to add.

Could the dwarf gene be color-linked or is it just how the dice rolled this time? I guess I'll find out with my next litter, but if anyone knows, I'd appreciate the info.


1. Broken female--7.3oz "Mustache"
2. Broken male--10.4oz "Blinkers" (the baby in my avatar)
3. Broken male--8.45oz "Paul"
4. Black female--7.05oz
5. Black male--6.8oz "Pink Foot"
6. Black female w/white chin--7.4oz "Jenny"
My last litter (purebred NZ) weighed between 7.3 and 9.7 ounces at 14 days (litter of 9).
At four weeks and one day, this is how baby weights are stacking up (same order as listed above):

1. Mustache: 15.35oz
2. Blinkers: 1lb .65oz
3. Paul: 1lb .24 oz
4. Roxy: 1lb .08 oz
5. Henry: 13.8 oz (aka "Pink Foot")
6. Jenny: 1lb .06 oz

Marinea, what are your NZ weights at 1 month? Or anyone else's?
The four week weights (same litter of 9) ranged from 15 to 18.4 ounces, so very close. Most were in the 17 ounce range.

The five week weights (being proactive :)) ranged from 1lb 5 oz to 1lb 11 oz.
My Californians litter of 6 only weigh between 11-12 ounces at 4 weeks. I was hoping they would weigh more by now.
So far they're doubling their weight every two weeks--holy heck, that means I'm about to go through a LOT of feed!! Granted, I've only got four weeks of records, but it's a start! I was curious if the Mini Rex heritage was going to reduce size significantly, but perhaps only on the ones who inherited the dwarfiness? Henry, the one self black buckling, has the dwarf face and small ears compared to his siblings who have rabbity faces.

Dood, thanks for the post on the weight ratios!! I'm going to print that out and stick it in my binder. And thank you for your help with the genetics aspect too! Approximately half of my litter are solid selfs and of those, only one has white on her lips.

These babies also have super poofy fluffy coats compared to their parents!!! Is that normal rabbit baby fur or is that the Rex influence??? They've got normal guard hairs and such but handling them are like handling puff balls!!

Can't wait for next week; Fiona (the NZR) and Lexi are both due to kindle, March 3 is day 28!! The MR is the father of both litters, so I can't wait to see what comes out this time!!!

(Rabbits, I know.) <br /><br /> -- Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:42 pm -- <br /><br /> Six week baby weights:

Mustache: 1lb 7oz
Blinkers: 2lb 2oz
Paul: 1lb 12 oz
Roxy: 1lb 8 oz
Henry (dwarf): 1lb 4oz
Jenny: 1lb 8oz

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