Baby bunnies with coccidia parasites

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Apr 2, 2016
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I lost a litter of 3 without any warning symptoms of them being sick. So I took my mother doe and buck to the vet because I suspected it was either a parasitic or bacterial issue. The vet did a fecal float and both had a large number of cocidia. The issue is when I went to get the fecal float, my doe was already pregnant again. I'm unsure how or when I can treat them. I know the antibiotic kills the healthy gut flora and I don't know if it would be okay to treat them as soon as they are able to drink water. I use Albon liquid suspension. It's about 16% sulfamethoxine. And then I use a probiotic.
I don't know the answer as to when to treat, but I would look to preventing future infection. How are your rabbits housed? On the ground, solid bottom, wire, partially solid, etc.
I use garlic chives, or garlic tops, but- Corid, and a few other coccidiostats work fine also..[antibiotics will help with infections resulting from cicci infection, but won't kill the cocci protozoa] once you have had an cocci outbreak, you should always be sure to treat your doe and litter as soon as the young rabbits come out of the nest box. [unless you are sure they don't have a good chance of reinfection]
But, if you let your rabbit out on the ground, or feed it things that could be contaminated, you should just assume you will have a residual infection. A doe with a healthy immune system is unlikely to show symptoms, but in young rabbits, weaning and feed change stress will cause a reduction in immune system strength, also young rabbits have not had time to develop resistance to the coccidiosis causing protozoa.
I picked something up at a show, and lost a bunch of rabbits two years ago. Corrid didn't work. I finally started using albon, I put it in the water as they approach weaning age, 6-8 weeks. Instead of the probiotic, which I can't get without a decent drive, I fed dandelions for several days. Scrub, scrub, scrub too.