do i get a doe to breed?

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2013
Reaction score
Central California
It has been raining for the past few days. Today, I went to a rabbit show. I took my tort doe, and while I was clerking, my mom and my friend tried to breed her to a black buck she has. We had tried a few days before, but she became a lunatic, running around the cage and stamping. I think he did mount her once or twice, but we're not sure if she lifted. My other doe bred with relatively no problems. Apparently, my friend didn't want to risk the tort doe just because of how crazy she was a few days ago. What should I do?
i take it you don't have your own buck?
Because if you did, it's just a matter of continually putting her in with him until you know they have bred. But for the skittery ones, putting them in the bucks cage for a day gets them used to the scent of buck so they don't freak out over it.

But with those types of does.. if they are running around acting all scared like .. often if you gently hold their heads so the buck can mount they will often settle and then lift.

It's always wise after a breeding to check the does vent to see if the buck did indeed do his job. That way you know for sure that contact was made.
I do have my own buck, but my friend has a buck that is the right color for my doe. When we did put her in with the buck, we had to hold her and let him mount. We are not sure if she lifted, though.
ladysown":350j4hcf said:
i take it you don't have your own buck?
Because if you did, it's just a matter of continually putting her in with him until you know they have bred. But for the skittery ones, putting them in the bucks cage for a day gets them used to the scent of buck so they don't freak out over it..


I have a doe that I have tried to breed three times and she has not taken. Giving her only one shot at each attempt. I have not tried repeating it for three or four days in a row. I will give her another go!
HoppinHalfPints":2sh3n0e8 said:
I do have my own buck, but my friend has a buck that is the right color for my doe. When we did put her in with the buck, we had to hold her and let him mount. We are not sure if she lifted, though.

Generally speaking if he grunts and falls off she lifted. My bucks fall off then they start to stomp for a few minutes before mounting again.

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