Are they ready to breed?

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
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My french angora buck is 6 months old and my doe is 7 months. I've read some people say that theirs were ready at 6 months and others saying that they had ones that weren't ready until 8 months. Does it really just depend on the rabbit?
It really does depend on the rabbit. My best mother wasn't ready until well after a year, and the first buck I got decided that does were only for snuggling on until he was 9 months old.

On the other hand, the breeder I bought out when I got my stock had one buck that started his career at 5 months old, and I did breed one of my does for the first time last night and she lifted at 7 months old. I usually wait until 8 months at least to try for does, but she was interested, so I gave it a go. 6 months is usually the norm for bucks, but then again, if they're ready, they're ready.

The only reason that Frenchies are usually given a long wait time until breeding is because they are a large breed and mature slowly, but even at that they all can mature at different times. The size of the lines seems to play a large role in it too. If you have smaller lines, they typically finish growing faster, and will mature faster. The larger the lines, the longer it takes for them to fully grow, and the slower they mature. Both of my rabbits that took longer to mature are VERY large for frenchies (11 and 13 pounds) and the ones that matured faster are smaller (8 and 10 pounds).

Sorry I can't give you a steadfast answer of when you can expect to be able to breed, but its just how it goes!
So true with all my other breeds as well.

Those that reach near close to senior weight before senior age breeder earlier, those that reach it at the right time (6-8) mos, breed around that time, and the others take longer. I bred the last FA doe I had at 6 mos, but she was maybe 6lbs when I got her at 12 weeks.

I believe the thought are when they 75% of their mature weight, they should be ready to breed.
Thanks for you replies.

Do you know the signs that they are ready to breed? My doe won't let me flip her over to check to see if she is ready by color, it that the only way to tell?

Also, my buck seems pretty laid back compared to my doe, do you think that if he is still pretty young (even if he is ready to breed) that my doe will beat him up and make him not wan't to be with her ever again?
I "tickle" my does down there and see if I can get my doe stimulated to lift.

With your buck, it's a risk you run with any breeding. I usually breed them ,if they are young, to a doe that has been around the block. We have our old lady Nella we start all our bucks with since she is such an easy keeper and will lift for anything. We get meat and she gets babies that she will nip you over if she's been unbred too long.

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