Are these weeds safe for the bunnies

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2nd is Dock of some kind, I feed it.
Last is also something I feed.
Rest I have no idea.
#1 may be henbit or possibly ground ivy. If it smells minty it is ground ivy. Neither are good for rabbit feed.

#2 is curly dock. It is good to feed in the spring before it puts up the flower/seed stalks, but is not good to feed by this point. I think the reason is that it takes up nitrates from the soil but I'm not certain.

#3 is motherwort. It is a medicinal. I don't feed it, but you could do some more research and check it out. ... erwort.htm

#4 looks like a member of the mustard family. I think you can feed the young leaves, but you will want to confirm this. I give it a miss here.

#5 is a very nice red clover plant. Eminently edible for bunnies! :)
Mary Ann, do you raise grapes or fruit trees? I planted clover in all the tree and vine basins- it is very beneficial for them since it fixes nitrogen into the soil. I should have plenty of clover for the bunnies soon! It is also good to plant by cabbage.
MamaSheepdog":ogmuzw1w said:
Mary Ann, do you raise grapes or fruit trees? I planted clover in all the tree and vine basins- it is very beneficial for them since it fixes nitrogen into the soil. I should have plenty of clover for the bunnies soon! It is also good to plant by cabbage.
I wish i could...But no. We can only grow apples trees.<br /><br />__________ Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:55 am __________<br /><br />yes, i will Maggie thanks
I feed dock no matter the stage it's in, no issues. Makes me wonder about that hype...
ChickiesnBunnies":mevzibej said:
I feed dock no matter the stage it's in, no issues. Makes me wonder about that hype...

I wonder too, CnB, but the older books (pre-pellets) that I have read do specify young dock for rabbits. Unfortunately they rarely explain the reasoning behind the practice, possibly because information about animal husbandry tended to be passed down from generation to generation. It's good to hear you have had no issues feeding mature dock to your rabbits.
rwillhoite":2409h3hk said:
The one with the yellow flower is wild mustard. It's related to mustard greens, I believe.

My rabbits love wild mustard. :)
MaggieJ":23w57h1x said:
ChickiesnBunnies":23w57h1x said:
I feed dock no matter the stage it's in, no issues. Makes me wonder about that hype...

I wonder too, CnB, but the older books (pre-pellets) that I have read do specify young dock for rabbits. Unfortunately they rarely explain the reasoning behind the practice, possibly because information about animal husbandry tended to be passed down from generation to generation. It's good to hear you have had no issues feeding mature dock to your rabbits.

I, too, have fed older Dock plants-- no problem. And, one day, a loose rabbit DUG and ate the roots of the dock I had just two days before, cut all the way to the ground!!
good post thanx for the photos now i know i can make use of the curly docks here too