ARBA Rabbit Registration Data?

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Jan 6, 2024
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Aside from membership dues, I assume registration of rabbits and sanctioning of shows is how ARBA funds itself. I'm curious about data like the numbers of various breeds and colors registered in each region of the country on a personal level.

Not only does it sound like it'd be an interesting perusal, but it might better help me choose which rabbits to start with. I think it'd be fun to start with something that could use a little pick-me-up (like some of the breeds registered on the Livestock Conservancy List), or a breed that's a little uncommon in my region (e.g. haven't heard much about Tan or Thrianta breeders in Michigan).

However, I can't find anything resembling a data-set of rabbit registration on the ARBA page...

Does anyone know how the ARBA maintains their rabbit registration data? And if there's any way for the public or ARBA members to access it?