Anyone Else Use Deer Fodder?

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2013
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I noticed everyone tends to buy their seeds separately, which I found curious. It might just be where I am, but the closest store that carries seed is a hunting store. They carry for deer and fowl, but rabbits eat about the same, just less.

I can get a 50 lb. bag for about $40 which has oat, wheat, Elbon rye, winter peas, three types of Brassica, and crimson clover. Seems like a good deal for an all-in-one thing. I noticed some brands of deer fodder are only one thing or another or have sweet clover in them--the latter not good for rabbits whatsoever. It seems like if you're careful about checking for sweet clover and getting a nice mix, it should be all good.

I suppose I'm just interested in why no one else seems to mention it? I'm worried I'm somehow being an idiot. :hmm:
I don't think you need to worry, Cspr. :)

It sounds fine to me... though you will want to limit the quantity of brassicas until the buns have time to adjust their gut flora to handle them. Just phase them in slowly as one ingredient in a mix and you should have no problems.

Please do post an update so we know how it worked out for you. :)
Yeah, I've been feeding oats, BOSS, hay, and foraged greens. When the fodder is ready, I'll add in a handful or so at a time until I can take out the rolled oats. But thanks for the reassurance, MaggieJ! And, yeah, I'll try to keep everyone up to date on my work. :)
I planted a mixture of rye, forage turnips and foraqe beets in a kiddie pool for my rabbits. I've got giant red clover in cinder blocks. I have two more kiddie pools to fill and plant for rabbit food and personal salad greens. Yes, the plot seeds for deer can and do vary widely by brand and even purpose...that is why I bought my seeds in separate packages-- leaves out the 'sweet clover' and gives me the option of creating my own percentages in the overall mix.