Any ideas on how to encourage a mellow buck?

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Jul 15, 2013
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I've been trying to get my champagne doe bred back for quite a while now. Finally her vent color was right, so I figured now of all times she would finally cooperate with the buck. To which she was more than happy to spend the next twenty minutes proving me wrong.

The champagne buck was trying, and he tries for longer than my angora bucks will, but it more like he's politely asking the doe to lift, instead of telling her how it's all going to go down... He did get her bred the first time, but I think it had something to do with it being her first time and she was confused. The second time was a struggle as well and she had a low conception rate due to being overweight and both kits were large and stillborn. (She's been put on a diet since, every new breed has their own struggle!)

In a last ditch effort to try to at least put some meat in the freezer even if I can't get pure bred kits that I have customers waiting for, I put my more experienced angora buck with the doe. She made a show of dominating him first, and then he bred her twice within five minutes. This is kinda making me lean towards now that she has some experience, she knows what she wants in her man... But I'm not feeding a good show and meat quality pair of champagnes so I can have a bunch of meat mutts.

So, anyone with some ideas on how to stimulate the champ buck into being a bit more assertive with a lady? I did put him back in after the angora did his job in hopes he'd be jealous and get a little more aggressive, but nope, same thing as before. I was thinking next time to house him next to the doe for a couple days to kind of get him worked up over it first. I don't know that letting him watch would really help since he clearly knows what his job is, he just is too gentlemanly about it. I don't want to have to look for another champ buck, but if he doesn't figure it out I most certainly will!

Any advice is appreciated, TIA.
I had a Flemish buck once that was kind of like "who cares". I'd put her in the cage with him and if she'd lay down so would he. He didn't really seam to care one way or the other.

I started getting the Doe out at feeding time, (he always wanted treats an ran to the front of the cage) and held her rear end up to the front of his pen. Once he showed interest I put her in with him and he went to town, 3 times. It took about a week of teasing him like that to get him interested but once I did he was good to go ANYTIME after that. ;) Just took awhile to get him going...
I don't think you can really make them more certain of breeding. Usually when I have a laid back buck I just leave them together a couple days and somewhere in there she gets bred. A nuetral large pen can sometimes help get the rabbits moving. I have a pair that just won't breed though. The buck quietly follows the doe and eventually mounts her but she is unimpressed and won't lift. I left them together days, then weeks, then a month and nothing. I was leaning toward someone being infertile. The buck had a litter with another doe and the doe got bred within minutes by another buck and just pulled fur. I really really want a litter out of that pair. I'm actually thinking of putting her with the more forceful buck until she lifts and then quickly swap them out and even if both bucks covered her any chocolate or lilac would definitely be from the buck I want.

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