Any idea ?

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Sep 16, 2013
Reaction score
La Rochelle
Hi everyone, my friend have some babies, I'd like to have your opinion on their colors

The mother is chinchilla A/a B/b cchd/cchd D/d E/e (white ears)
the father is smoke pearl at/a B/b cchd/cchl d/d E/e

According to the marks, we believe it could be sallander white ears, and lilac sallander white ears, the third one is blue self (probably chinchilla non agouti)
On my opipion, they're too light to be chin, and ever if they have white ears, it doesn't explain the marks darker on head and side.

Thanks for your help
Sounds about right to me, but smoked pearl should have cchl and not cchd.

If your sure the buck is cchd, then they would be certainly sallanders, and they look it. I think they look like a black and a blue sallander, but it could also just be how the image looks on the screen. My blue sallander kit looked much more like your light one there.
That was my first guess as well. They are definitely not chins, chins look basically black for the first few days.
PSFAngoras":f8dp7wd1 said:
Sounds about right to me, but smoked pearl should have cchl and not cchd.

If your sure the buck is cchd, then they would be certainly sallanders, and they look it. I think they look like a black and a blue sallander, but it could also just be how the image looks on the screen. My blue sallander kit looked much more like your light one there.

Yes I know for smoke pearl I didn't find the right term! Here we're call it "martre à jarres" but I don't know how You're calling it sorry :p yes I'm sure is cchd, no doubt! ;)

Blue sallander, ok interesting, it's very light and seems to be lilac at first sight but indeed that kind of color can be hard to define !

Thanks for your answer :)<br /><br />__________ Fri Dec 06, 2013 4:40 pm __________<br /><br />
skysthelimit":f8dp7wd1 said:
That was my first guess as well. They are definitely not chins, chins look basically black for the first few days.

I agree for black chin! One of our friend thought it could be a lack of fur on the back but I don't think so !
I think the darker sallander could be martenized and have white eye rings :D

I just LOVE sallander. I think I'm going to have to try and get my own :)
Dood":1igpwa5n said:
I think the darker sallander could be martenized and have white eye rings :D

I just LOVE sallander. I think I'm going to have to try and get my own :)

Hello Dood, could you explain me the word "martenized" I'm think I understand the idea but not quite sure ;)
No problem
the father is smoke pearl at/a B/b cchd/cchl d/d E/e

You wrote that the father has a tan gen "at" which turns self shadeds and chinchillas into martens = martenized and other self colours into otters
Ok ! Thanks I just check on the site where I find evivalence between French and English term, you're right I hadn't look at the right place :)

you think he's Black Silver Marteen or Sable Marteen instead of Sallander ? Or it could be of for the concomitance of the genes cchl and cchd ? I heard they could mix! I don't know if you understand me I'm lacking vocabulary to express my point of view properly :p
Because it is the chinchilla / dark shaded gene ( instead of the light shaded gene ) the kit would be called a martenized sallander and not a sable marten
Dood":2a2kovix said:
Because it is the chinchilla / dark shaded gene ( instead of the light shaded gene ) the kit would be called a martenized sallander and not a sable marten

What would be the martenized sallander code ?

It could be what we're calling schwartzgrannen I think at/ B/ cch/cch D/ e/e is that right ?
Dood":1pzkm3do said:
Yes, but we define the dark shaded / chinchilla gene as "cchd_ " and the light shaded seen in sable martens as "cchl_"

Yes we're calling it "cch" for chin and "cm" for sable martens

I'll show you evolution of babies, indeed they seems to be sallander black or chocolate and maybe lilac !