Another sick Angora, very disappointed

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2012
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I've had her maybe 10 days.

She's due to kindle Tuesday.

She's sneezing, white snot and a bloody nose.

I'd cull her now, but the breeder wants a kit back.

I will probably cull her and whatever kits are left.

She will never leave QT.


More due in October.

There is a temptation to cross breed. If's so hard to find what you want.
ACK!!!! just NOT what you wanted.

I'd be calling the breeder and let her know the situation.

You'll have to wean early those kits.

HOLD ON... bloody nose?

You might want to check if the snot is due to a nose injury of some sort and is more of the pus type, not the pasturella type. I'd want to know what is causing the bloody nose..
When I got her, the breeder said she was in with the buck, they were left alone, and both her and the buck had blood on them. There was a crust of blood on her nose like a scar when I got her. I had no reason to think the breeder would lie, so I took her. A little while after she started sneezing. The other day when the temp went above 80F, that's when I saw the blood.

How early would be early enough? I've had 3 week old kits with no dam before, so I could manage that.
It doesn't explain the snot (unless there is a foreign body as Ladysown said), but could she have gotten freaked out by something? Maybe the heat caused the bloody nose?

Last week I was cleaning the dropping boards in the BunnyBarn, and after scrubbing them down, I was rinsing them with the hose. A young kit completely flipped out, and was racing around the cage screaming before finally collapsing in a lifeless heap. It had a bloody nose. I quickly picked it up and started stroking its limp body firmly, and it finally came out of it. It is still alive, and doing fine.
could heat be a factor?

i know that heat can cause runny noses and sneezing with snot...and rabbits that are too hot can have blood as well.

a pregnant doe is more prone to heat issues as well.

me....I'd be weaning kits as early as possible as early as 17 days.
As an isolated event, yes. 10 days is just long enough to say this is a condition. Not one sneeze, but she sneezes frequently, once the blood started, it's happened more than once. It was on above 80 on Weds, no blood Thursday, blood again Friday. Heat seems a factor, would it linger on after the heat passes?
I'm so sorry sky! :( What a crappy thing to have happen again.
fuzzy9":2cfpcwf0 said:
I'm so sorry sky! :( What a crappy thing to have happen again.

Thanks. This rabbit thing is just not going very well. I'm gonna keep the woolers I have, and keep enough to keep my friends line going, and dispatch the rest. This is just not worth the hassle.